Tips on Using Anal Shower Like a Pro
Considering sex products for anal sex, pay special attention to anal shower. This is an incredibly practical thing for lovers of anal pleasure whether it is toys or sex. She maximally cleans the anus before penetration. And this will not only save you from unpleasant surprises, but also remove all fears and relax before getting pleasure. Also, many people like to douche before anal penetration.
With the help of an anal shower, water is introduced into the anus, which washes away all the dirt with it. These products come in various shapes and sizes, and they are very easy to use, even for the first time. But is it safe to anal douche? Let’s find out the answer.
How to use
If you have never cleaned the anus, we recommend starting with an anal shower, and not with a full-fledged enema. Take the toy out of the package and rinse it out just in case. Then remove the tip and fill the pear with warm water from the tap or immersing the anal shower in a container with water.
Lubricate the tip and the entrance to the anus, carefully insert the tip. It is better to do this over the toilet, so you will find a convenient entry angle and do not blot anything around.
Then squeeze the pear. Water will fill your rectum and gently wash all parts of feces out of it. For a slow stream of water, squeeze the pear gradually, and for a faster one, squeeze sharply. Always start carefully, watching the reaction of your body. Many say that slow douching is more effective.
Carefully remove the anal shower and hold the water inside you, until you want to get rid of it. The procedure is recommended to be repeated several times for better cleaning. You also need to adhere to several rules:
- Do not need to fill the anal shower with anything other than pure water;
- The water should be warm, but not hot; try it with your hand before starting the procedure;
- Douche preferably about 45 minutes before anal entertainment. Do not worry and make sure everything is in order. Apply a little lubricant and arrange a small anal prelude before going to the bedroom – this will help the body to prepare;
- The anus does not produce lubrication, so before you enter something into it, you must use a lubricant ;
- You need to be positioned so that your body is at the right angle relative to the syringe. If you feel pain, stop immediately.
What is the difference between anal shower and enema?
Anal douches and enemas differ in the amount of water they can hold. Anal shower is perfect for beginners. Usually their volume is up to 400 ml and they need to be squeezed by hand. Enema also holds from 400 ml to 2 liters of liquid, and with it water enters the anus automatically. Some enemas have an adjustable valve that allows you to control the flow rate. They also often have a longer nose that penetrates deeper. Enemas are needed for deeper cleansing.
Anal douche is an original way of influencing the erogenous zones of the anus, as well as its cleansing. It looks like a usual pear for douching, however, instead of a simple nose-tip, a special nozzle or even several are suggested.
The peculiarity lies in the unusual relief – together a smooth coating and a smooth rod, there may be some curvature, the use of rings, balls, spirals and other elements for the best impact on sensitive areas. Another option is the absence of a pear for pumping water and using instead a special hose directly connected to the faucet, and a special anal shower head. Hose and nozzle come complete. Anal showers allow you to keep everything clean inside and at the same time turn a cleaning session into an additional ways to have fun.
It is very easy to buy an anal shower in sex shop at a reduced price. You need to enter the page you like the product, read the description, characteristics and make a purchase.
The myth that anal sex is dirty sex is one of the most stable. Most often, the people who assert this had the first negative experience due to the lack of knowledge about the necessary hygiene measures that must precede anal penetration.
Anal hygiene: How to use anal shower
Experienced lovers, who have been practicing anal sex for a long time, can “control” the state of the rectum, sometimes they have a little abstinence from eating on the eve of an intimate date. Those who are just beginning to comprehend the huge world of anal pleasures, you need to learn simple manipulations that will help to clean the anus. And here a small “educational program” will not interfere in the issue of the anatomy and physiology of this delicate organ.
How does the anus prepares
The entrance to the anal canal is a ring of striated muscles. The central nervous system is responsible for its contraction, which means that if necessary, a person can relax muscles in the same way he controls the muscles of the arm or leg. The situation is more complicated with the internal sphincter, which is under the “guidance” of the autonomic nervous system. His usual condition is contraction, and he relaxes only before stool.
What to do with a naughty inner muscle ring?
In order to relax the internal sphincter, it is necessary that the external one also be relaxed. Two muscle rings work only in tandem, and the best way to relax them is not brute force, but a high degree of excitation of the lower partner before anal penetration.
Between the two sphincters is the anal canal, which precedes the rectum. Nonsense, but looking at the anatomical atlas, you will see that the rectum is not so straight. It forms two bends, differing in men and women in their structure. There are a lot of nerve endings in the rectum, which instantly respond to painful sensations due to incorrect actions, or will give bliss if the partner acts delicately.
Not so long ago, anal sex and everything connected with it was condemned by the conservative part of society and was taboo. Now the attitude to this type of sexual relations has become loyal, and the sex market offers a large assortment of sex toys, accessories, and hygiene products for anal sex.
Anal shower, created by manufacturers of sex toys especially for cleaning the rectum, taking into account all the physiological features of the human body, has earned great popularity among users due to its ease of use and its own effectiveness.